Tag Archive for: Drayton Valley

Eagle Point Team Smashes Previous Bird Census Records!
Commentary, Education, Events, News, UncategorizedOur seventh year participating in Global Big Day is one for the record books!
The smoky conditions made birding more challenging this year - visibility at Willey West Campground was especially poor, as was Buck Lake. Smoke or no, 33 people…

April Outdoor Activities in the Park!
Activity, Commentary, Education, Events, News, UncategorizedWhat's Going on in the Parks this April?
By Erin Klatt, EPBR Parks Council
Camping 101:
There is something so special about being out in nature! We recommend spending as much time as possible in the wilderness - for both physical and mental…

Our Education Season Ends and our Summer Programs Begin!
Activity, Education, Events, NewsIt's a Wrap!
As I write this article, we are preparing for tomorrow’s education program, which happens to be the last one of the 2021-2022 season! We will wrap up with four Grade 1 classes at beautiful Willey West Campground. We’ve had…

Let’s Go Birding in Drayton Valley
Activity, Education, NewsTrending and Good for your Health!
Birding, the act of observing birds in their natural habitats, has gained quite a bit of popularity in recent years. Birding is guaranteed to get you outside so you can build connections to the natural world.…

A Quick Survey About our Parks!
Activity, EventsA Quick Survey About our Parks!
What’s your knowledge of Eagle Point Provincial Park and Blue Rapids Provincial Recreation Area? Have you participated in any of our events? We want to hear from you!
Complete the survey for a chance to…

Women’s Wellness Retreat 2022
Activity, Education, News
Women’s Wellness Retreat 2022 comes to Eagle Point Provincial Park
A Great Way to Kick off Spring!
Eagle Point Blue Rapids Parks Council is pleased to announce a fantastic event for all you hard working ladies out there! We’re hosting…

2022 Fire & Ice Event Sponsorship Opportunities
Activity, Events, News
Family Day Eve Fire & Ice Festival
On February 20, Eagle Point-Blue Rapids Parks Council is partnering with the Town of Drayton Valley to host the 2022 Family Day Eve Fire & Ice Festival from 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
In 2020, over…

Eagle Point Provincial Park to host Citizen Science Project
Activity, Education, EventsSpring Means Get Outside and Explore Parks!
The days are longer, the nights are warmer! The sounds of geese and robins fill the air! Spring is in full swing in Drayton Valley! This mild spring weather makes it so inviting to explore the local…

Fire and Ice Scavenger Hunt Extravaganza on the Family Day Weekend!
Activity, Contests, EventsGet your family outdoors on Family Day Weekend!
We've partnered with the Town of Drayton Valley to get you and your family outdoors, exploring the Drayton Valley area!
We've got 3 Scavenger Hunts that you can try with your family or cohort!…

The EAGLE Trail Triple Race Series
Activity, Events, Race
So many in-person races have been cancelled or postponed this year, so we’ve created a virtual race series! You can put some dates and distances on your calendars to work and train towards this year with The Eagle Trail Triple!

Create Your Own Outdoor Christmas Tree for the Birds!
Activity, Education, NewsFeeding Birds in Winter
In the depths of winter, a flock of colourful birds visiting your home is reward enough, but for the birds, a visit to feeders helps them get through those long months of cold. In west central Alberta, feeding stations…

Catching Bugs with a Pooter
Activity, EducationBuild your own Pooter to Catch Bugs!
Scientists call them aspirators, but bug enthusiasts call them pooters. Pooters help scientists (and kids) catch small insects for closer examination without touching them. These simple instructions will…

Pond Dipping
Activity, EducationWonders of Wetlands is our most popular Environmental Education program. Kids love pond dipping! Turn it into a family adventure by visiting a wetland to discover who and what lives there. The best time for pond dipping is early June until early…

Learning Links for the Camping Issue
Activity, Education, NewsTake the Camping Issue Learning Further with these handy links!
If you're thinking about building a fire on your camping trip, check for Alberta Fire Bans at www.albertafirebans.ca
Want Shelter or Fort Ideas? Read Eagle Point-Blue…

Connecting Kids to Nature with Bird Bingo
Activity, EducationYour kids will "Connect" to Nature with Eagle Point Bird Bingo!

Nature News and the New Normal
NewsNature News
As with any challenging situation, opportunities arise as a way to adjust to new circumstances. As we adapt to this new normal, we are super excited to announce the production of “Eagle Point Nature News.” To continue with our…

Good Stuff to Do with your Kids Outdoors – Part 1.
NewsLife in the Time of Social Distancing
The past week has been completely surreal. Schools, many offices and businesses have already closed, with more closings looming. Many of us are already working from home while finding things for our…

Fire and Ice Festival Returns!
Events, NewsEagle Point-Blue Rapids Parks Council presents Family Day Eve Fire and Ice Festival in Drayton Valley, Alberta.

Christmas Arrives Early for Eagle Point-Blue Rapids Parks Council
NewsMerry Christmas and to all a Big Thank You!
On behalf of Eagle Point-Blue Rapids Parks Council, we’d like to extend our wish for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you. May you all enjoy some quality time in the outdoors…
Tag Archive for: Drayton Valley

Fire & Ice Festival 2025
Family Fun, FestivalThe Fire & Ice Festival is Back!
Join us for a SATURDAY evening of fire and ice, where the warmth of community meets the chill of winter. This family-friendly event is packed with activities, entertainment, and food for everyone to enjoy!