Eagle Point Team Smashes Previous Bird Census Records!
Commentary, Education, Events, News, UncategorizedOur seventh year participating in Global Big Day is one for the record books!
The smoky conditions made birding more challenging this year - visibility at Willey West Campground was especially poor, as was Buck Lake. Smoke or no, 33 people…

Hello Birds! We’re Celebrating Migration with a Festival of Activities!
Activity, Commentary, Education, Events, Kids and Youth, NewsOur Annual Bird Count is quickly approaching! Our Bird Count coincides with World Migratory Bird Day!
This year, we are leading up to our Eagle Point Bird Count with a Festival of Bird Focused events! We'd like to thank Obsidian Energy Ltd…

Ouch! Winter Slips and Falls! Three Ways to Avoid Them.
Activity, Commentary, Education, UncategorizedIf you haven’t fallen on ice, you probably know someone who has. Every year, thousands of Canadian make a visit to a doctor or the Emergency department of a hospital due to falls on ice ! As a matter of interest, Albertans have nearly triple…

What’s a Nature Navigator and Why Do we Need It?
Commentary, Education, Kids and Youth, NewsWhat's a "Nature Navigator"?
We've given our dream a name - The “Nature Navigator.” The “Nature Navigator” is a cargo van designed to accommodate effective delivery of our Nature Programming. Staff will be able to easily access learning…

April Outdoor Activities in the Park!
Activity, Commentary, Education, Events, News, UncategorizedWhat's Going on in the Parks this April?
By Erin Klatt, EPBR Parks Council
Camping 101:
There is something so special about being out in nature! We recommend spending as much time as possible in the wilderness - for both physical and mental…

Are the Bears Out Yet?
Commentary, NewsSpring has finally arrived!
The warmer temperatures and melting snow, the sound of geese arriving and the sweet spring song of chickadees makes one feel like spending more time outdoors, exploring our local trails!
That warmer weather also…

Spring is Here! Try Something New!
Activity, Commentary, UncategorizedFeeling a bit down and out following the bleakness of winter?
Spring is around the corner and with the warm weather, a number of recreational groups in the community will be hosting their annual general meetings and club membership drives.…

Are you in the mood for Spring?
Commentary, EducationBirds, Bears and Stargazing to Kick-start our Spring
We’ve weathered one of the coldest Februaries in Alberta’s history with some record breaking cold days. If you’re like me, you might be struggling to get into the “Spring is in…