Tag Archive for: winter activities

10 Winter Activities for the Entire Family!
Activity, Education, NewsGO ON A WINTER WALK
Collect items along the way and make a collage with them when you get home.
Take some snowy pictures.
Look for tracks in the snow.
Look for a nice big patch of undisturbed white fluffy…

Create Your Own Outdoor Christmas Tree for the Birds!
Activity, Education, NewsFeeding Birds in Winter
In the depths of winter, a flock of colourful birds visiting your home is reward enough, but for the birds, a visit to feeders helps them get through those long months of cold. In west central Alberta, feeding stations…

Winter is Coming Education Links
EducationWINTER is coming! Enjoy these informative links!
ADVENTURE SMART. Great information on being prepared when you’re heading out for winter activities.
Snowshoeing for Beginners - an article to inspire you to learn to snowshoe! With winter…