Entries by kathy


Are the Bears Out Yet?

Spring has finally arrived! The warmer temperatures and melting snow, the sound of geese arriving and the sweet spring song of chickadees makes one feel like spending more time outdoors, […]

Nature Walk Challenge

Nature Walk Challenge “There are moments when all anxiety and stated toil are becalmed in the infinite leisure and repose of nature”. Henry David Thoreau We live in a face […]

Instagram Photo Contest

Instagram Photo Contest We’re excited to announce our first ever Instagram Photo Contest!  We’d love you to share your photographs in keeping with our theme “Why I Love the Park!”  Our […]

Family Day 2018

Family Day 2018 February 19, from 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm Join us for the Eagle Point-Blue Rapids Reid Law Trail Walk! Let’s get unplugged and go for a winter […]