November is here and that means hunting season is open in parts of the Drayton Valley area for rifle hunters.  Here at Eagle Point-Blue Rapids Parks Council, we often get asked whether hunting is permitted in our parks systems.  Because Eagle Point Provincial Park is designated for low impact use, hunting is not permitted in this park.  Blue Rapids Provincial Recreation Area, which straddles the North Saskatchewan River upstream from the Highway 22 bridge near Drayton Valley allows for limited hunting during hunting season (big game and game bird only), according to provincial regulations and of course, with appropriate licenses and tags.

Please read your hunting regulations carefully to ensure that you are follow Alberta’s regulations and that you are in the appropriate WMU!  You can download the regulations at or or call 310-0000 and ask for your local Fish & Wildlife office.

Safety Reminders

Another reminder to hunters is to be aware that Blue Rapids Provincial Recreation Area is a multi-use area and there are hikers, ATV enthusiasts, mountain bikers, oil and gas workers and others working and recreating in the area.  Always take care to make sure there are no risks to humans or property before discharging your firearms.

Hunter or not, if you’re enjoying the wilderness, do be mindful that you should wear appropriate high visibility clothing during the hunting season.

For detailed maps on our parks, you can visit our website at

Consider the Location

Pembina Pipeline Corporation (Pembina), a major contributor to our Environmental Education Program and a company whose pipelines cross through both of our parks systems, has contributed the following information regarding pipeline safety that are important to learn if you plan to spend time recreating/hunting in the parks or on public lands.

Hunting Season Tips contributed by Pembina

“As hunting season opens throughout many local areas on November 1, here are a few tips to keep in mind while enjoying the great outdoors:

  1. Avoid Damaging Signage

As pipeline operators, we see a significant increase in pipeline signs being used for target practice. Due to the signage locations near road crossings and throughout our field, they make easy but unfortunate targets. These signs carry vital safety information such as emergency phone numbers, product identification and physical location identification. Damage to these signs is against the law, and under the Pipeline Act in Alberta can carry a fine of up to $50,000 to individuals found guilty of these acts.

  1. Ride with Care

ATV use rises during times where hunting is permitted, so please take the time to review the information on pipeline signs, and be mindful of the buried facilities that are a few meters below your wheels. This is especially important when the ground is still soft and not yet frozen.

  1. Keep Alert for Workers

As the ground starts to freeze, activity ramps up and there is an increase in work-based activities on pipeline right-of-ways. Most workers wear personal protective equipment that is highly visible, but they can still be difficult to see at times. Please be sure to exercise caution as you are out enjoying the natural areas this fall.


We want everyone to enjoy Canada’s beautiful outdoor areas. Please be mindful and help everyone stay safe while exploring the parks this season.”



Are you concerned that someone is breaking the law with regards to hunting violations?  Make a confidential call to Report a Poacher at 1-800-642-3800.